Just enter an expression below, and the result will be instantly calculated!
Just type something to calculate, and the result will be instantly calculated! No more physical buttons or keys, just type and get the answer!
For example:
5^3 5 to the power of 3
(2 x 3 + 3) / 2 2 times 3 plus 3, then divide it all by 2 (you can use * or x for multiply)
sin(90) / cos(30) sin 30 divided by cos 30
All common math operators are supported including: + - * or x / ^ cos(?) sin(?) tan(?) ln(?) e(?)
If you want to use radians instead of degrees, you can use sinr(?) cosr(?) tanr(?)
Built in constants such as pi and e are also available
There's also helpers such as degtorad(?) and radtodeg(?) for converting between units