General Help

Below are answers to the most common questions/issues users experience when using TutorHi. If none of these answers solve your problem, you can always contact us.


Firstly, download the TutorHi app from the app store, or use the TutorHi web app.

  1. Then, click the Join link in the Signin screen

  2. Follow the prompts to verify your phone number

  3. Fill in your basic details & upload a profile photo (optional, but highly recommended)

  4. Lastly, select Student or Tutor as your account type

Yes you can! Simply navigate to the Settings Screen and select your desired account type (Student or Tutor).

Tutors & Ads
What is it

Subjects are different types of teachings offered on TutorHi and can range from general & high-level (such as Math, English, Science, etc) to more low-level & specific (such as Harvard's CS50x)

The subject list is evergrowing; the TutorHi team continually reviews and adds new subjects taught by Tutors.

Why are they important

After every lesson, students give their tutor a rating on the subjects they were taught (not on the tutor in general, as that is too broad - a tutor can teach many different subjects).

So, being able to rate tutors on a per-subject basis helps maintain the quality of tutors on TutorHi, as tutors that perform well on subjects they teach will place higher in search results for those subjects in the future, and vice versa.

An Availability is an important detail of a Tutor Ad that specifies:

  • Where the tutor can meet to teach:

    • Online (webcam) or

    • In-Person (libraries, coffee shops, etc)

  • Whether they offer the first lesson free

Availabilities allows tutors to specify multiple locations, travel fees and trial lesson policies, without having to repost the same Ad multiple times for each.

What is it

Achievements are awards, certificates or accomplishments that give students confidence in a tutor's skills and experience. For example:

  • A tutor who has achieved a Computer Science degree at MIT is likely a good programming teacher, or

  • A tutor who has achieved a solid 1500 on the SATs would be a great choice if you are sitting the SATs soon.

How does it work on TutorHi

TutorHi let's tutors upload their Achievements for review. Achievements will only be visible to students after they are reviewed by the TutorHi team.

Disclaimer: TutorHi is NOT indicating that reviewed achievements are true and/or verified. We are only stating that we received documentation that appear to support these achievements.

What is it

A lesson request is a formal request a student sends to a tutor when they are ready to book a lesson. The lesson request includes important details of the lesson, including:

  • Date & time

  • Lesson duration

  • Location

  • Lesson mode (Online or In-person)

  • Lesson Price & Payment Method

Once accepted, a lesson request becomes a lesson, a formal agreement between a student and a tutor.

Similar to a Lesson Request, a Lesson Reschedule Request is a formal request to change the lesson time, date and/or location of an agreed lesson.

Once accepted, the lesson will be successfully rescheduled to the new time, date and/or location specified in the Lesson Reschedule Request.

If declined, the Lesson's time, date and location will remain as originally agreed

You can purchase a large amount of hours from a tutor upfront and use them for future lessons.

This is called a lesson pack.

Lesson packs are usually 15-30% cheaper than booking lessons individually

Lesson packs are a great choice if you plan to have a lot of lessons with a single tutor.

How it works

TutorHi faciliates the payment of the lesson. Students pay TutorHi for the lesson, TutorHi holds on to the payment, and when the lesson finishes with no problems, TutorHi gives the payment to the tutor.

How this protects you

If something goes wrong, because we hold onto the payment, we can guarantee to pay or refund you when the issue is deemed not your fault.

This protects our users against many issues including:

  • Students not showing up

  • Students not paying the tutor at the end of the lesson

  • Tutor misrepresenting their abilities

  • Other fraudulent activities

Furthermore, you are eligible for a partial or full refund in the event that a tutor cancels the lesson. For more information on TutorHi's refund policy for students, please take a look at the Student Terms of Service

Similarily, as a tutor, you are entitled to receive a part of the lesson payment in the event your student cancels the lesson. For more information on TutorHi's cancellation/refund policy for tutors, please take a look at the Tutor Terms of Service

All lessons and lesson packs have to be paid through TutorHi. We considered allowing custom payment arrangements such as cash, PayPal, however due to risks of scam/fraud and our goal to make TutorHi as trustworthy as possible, we decided against allowing custom payment arrangements.


The Messages Tab, Lesson Requests Tab, Notifications Tab and Ads Tab can all be refreshed. However, under normal circumstances, there should be no reason to refresh these screens as the TutorHi app and web app automatically updates those lists as soon as you get an update.

Mobile App

On the Mobile App, simply pull to refresh like you would in any other app that has a reloadable or refreshable list; the pull to refresh gesture is demonstrated below.

Pull to Refresh
Web App

On the Web App, there is a Refresh button on the top right corner. Simply press this button to refresh the screen or list

TutorHi's rating system is based on lesson reviews. Lesson review data, including overall rating, subjects taught and textual feedback, are all used to determine the tutor and student's overall rating. Additionally, for tutors, a separate per-subject rating, and an Ad specific rating are calculated.

Student Ratings

A student has two types of ratings. A public rating, which is an averaged rating out of five stars, and an internal rating, which is a more complicated rating calculated from the amount of reviews, lesson duration, subjects taught and more. The public rating is displayed to potential tutors on screens including the Lesson Request Screen, whereas the internal rating is used for ranking purposes, dispute resolution and more.

Tutor Ratings

Similarily, a tutor has two types of ratings. A public rating, which is an averaged rating out of five stars, and an internal rating, which is a more complicated rating calculated from the amount of reviews, lesson duration, subjects taught and more. The public rating is displayed to potential students on screens such as the Ad Screen, Lesson Request Screen, and more, whereas the internal rating is used for ranking purposes such as search results positioning, dispute resolution and more.

Subject Ratings

TutorHi calculates a separate rating for each Subject a tutor has taught and received a review for. Just like the Tutor Rating and Student Rating, Subject Ratings have two types. A public rating, which is an averaged score out of five stars, and an internal rating, which is a more complicated rating calculated from the amount of reviews, lesson duration, subjects taught and more. The public rating is displayed to potential students on screens including the Ad Screen, whereas the internal rating is used for ranking purposes such as search results positioning.

Subject Ratings provide more clarity into a tutor's quality of service, on a per-subject basis, and is also used to calculate a tutor's Ad's Ratings.

Ad Ratings

An Ad Rating is essentially a rating for Ads posted by tutors. An Ad Rating is an aggregation of the ratings of the subjects it lists, and also comes in two types. A public rating, which is an average score out of five stars, and an internal rating, which is a more complicated rating calculated from the amount of reviews, lesson duration, subjects taught and more, aggregated from all the subjects the Ad lists. The public rating is displayed to potential students on screens including the Ad Screen, whereas the internal rating is used for ranking purposes such as search results positioning.